Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Portland, OR 97212
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Portland OR should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Augustana Lutheran Church Elca | 503-288-6174 | 2710 NE 14th Ave | Portland | OR | 97212 |
Central Lutheran Church | 503-284-2331 | 1820 NE 21st Ave | Portland | OR | 97212 |
Christ Community Church | 503-282-7683 | 2627 NE M L King Blvd | Portland | OR | 97212 |
Church of Christ | 503-288-1092 | 3908 NE Mallory Ave | Portland | OR | 97212 |
Fremont United Methodist Churc | 503-284-4647 | 2620 NE Fremont St | Portland | OR | 97212 |
Grant Park Church | 503-282-5596 | 2728 NE 34th Ave | Portland | OR | 97212 |
Hughes Memorial United Methodist | 503-281-2332 | 111 NE Failing St | Portland | OR | 97212 |
Lutheran Building Missouri Synod | 503-288-8383 | 1700 NE Knott St | Portland | OR | 97212 |
Manuel Percy N Pastor SR | 503-281-0608 | 831 NE Fremont St | Portland | OR | 97212 |
Morning Star Baptist Church The | 503-281-4925 | 106 NE Ivy St | Portland | OR | 97212 |
Mosaic Church | 503-287-6789 | 1832 NE 39th Ave | Portland | OR | 97212 |
Mt Gillard Missionary Baptist Church | 503-287-1281 | 2902 NE Rodney Ave | Portland | OR | 97212 |
Native American United Methodist Fello | 503-287-6526 | 3917 NE Shaver St | Portland | OR | 97212 |
New Song Church | 503-493-1301 | 2511 NE M L King Blvd | Portland | OR | 97212 |
St Mark Baptist Church | 503-287-7457 | 103 NE Morris St | Portland | OR | 97212 |
Well Church The | 503-288-5502 | 1734 NE 1st Ave | Portland | OR | 97212 |
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