Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Portland, OR 97213
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Portland OR should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Bridgeport United Church of Chris | 503-258-0992 | 621 NE 76th Ave | Portland | OR | 97213 |
Calvary Presbyterian Church | 503-281-7998 | 3516 NE 71st Ave | Portland | OR | 97213 |
Child Evangelism Fellowship of G | 503-256-2718 | 7213 NE Glisan St | Portland | OR | 97213 |
Faith Lutheran Church the Taalc | 503-288-5397 | 6140 NE Stanton St | Portland | OR | 97213 |
Grace Covenant Fellowship | 503-281-5850 | 5450 NE Flanders St | Portland | OR | 97213 |
Grace Lutheran Church | 503-254-8034 | 7610 NE Fremont St | Portland | OR | 97213 |
Lighthouse Mission Church | 503-235-4371 | 337 NE 47th Ave | Portland | OR | 97213 |
New Beginnings Christian Cente | 503-256-6050 | 7600 NE Glisan St | Portland | OR | 97213 |
Rose City Park Presbyterian Ch | 503-282-0965 | NE 44th & Sandy Blvd | Portland | OR | 97213 |
Rose City Park United Methodist Churc | 503-281-1229 | 5830 NE Alameda St | Portland | OR | 97213 |
Self Realization Fellowship | 503-254-6773 | 356 NE 80th Ave | Portland | OR | 97213 |
Yang E Mun Presbyterian Church | 503-256-0421 | 7232 NE Glisan St | Portland | OR | 97213 |
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