Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Portland, OR 97219
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Portland OR should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Ahmadiyya Movement in Islam Inc | 503-246-0813 | 9925 SW 35th Dr | Portland | OR | 97219 |
Burlingame Baptist Church | 503-246-8827 | 125 SW Miles St | Portland | OR | 97219 |
Capitol Hill United Methodist Churc | 503-244-8874 | 2401 SW Taylors Ferry Rd | Portland | OR | 97219 |
Christian Science | 503-246-3806 | 3643 SW Vermont St | Portland | OR | 97219 |
Good Shepherd Lutheran Church Missouri | 503-244-4558 | 3405 SW Alice St | Portland | OR | 97219 |
Greater Portland Bible Church | 503-452-0287 | 2374 SW Vermont St | Portland | OR | 97219 |
Hillsdale Community Church | 503-246-5474 | 6948 SW Capitol Hwy | Portland | OR | 97219 |
Meadow Springs | 503-892-8888 | 12647 SW 62nd Ave | Portland | OR | 97219 |
Mittleman Jewish Community Cente | 503-244-0111 | 6651 SW Capitol Hwy | Portland | OR | 97219 |
Mt Carmel Lutheran Church | 503-244-5143 | 515 SW Maplecrest Dr | Portland | OR | 97219 |
Multnomah Presbyterian Church | 503-246-5459 | 7555 SW 45th Ave | Portland | OR | 97219 |
St Mark Presbyterian Church | 503-244-8177 | 9750 SW Terwilliger Blvd | Portland | OR | 97219 |
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