Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Portland, OR 97220
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Portland OR should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Central Bible Church | 503-252-1424 | 8815 NE Glisan St | Portland | OR | 97220 |
Christian Churches Churches of Chr | 503-254-1686 | 4536 NE 116th Ave | Portland | OR | 97220 |
Church of Christ | 503-252-5192 | 9030 NE Glisan St | Portland | OR | 97220 |
Church of Christ Crossroads | 503-257-9193 | 2505 NE 102nd Ave | Portland | OR | 97220 |
Church of Christians of Seventh Day | 503-252-9645 | 10501 NE Fargo St | Portland | OR | 97220 |
Church of the Good Shepherd | 503-262-8201 | 4566 NE 87th Ave | Portland | OR | 97220 |
City Bible Church | 503-255-2224 | 9200 NE Fremont St | Portland | OR | 97220 |
Glisan Street Baptist Church | 503-252-2648 | 10401 NE Glisan St | Portland | OR | 97220 |
Gospel Outreach of Portland | 503-256-0642 | 11235 NE Glisan St | Portland | OR | 97220 |
Holy Nativity of the Theotokos Ortho | 503-262-6643 | 4550 NE 105th Ave | Portland | OR | 97220 |
Hope Lutheran Church of the Deaf | 503-252-0706 | 11100 NE Skidmore St | Portland | OR | 97220 |
Iu Mien Fellowship Baptist Church | 503-253-3815 | 11250 NE Wygant St | Portland | OR | 97220 |
Orthodox Presbyterian Church First | 503-253-0695 | 8245 NE Fremont St | Portland | OR | 97220 |
Parkrose Community United Church O | 503-253-5457 | 4715 NE 106th Ave | Portland | OR | 97220 |
Parkrose United Methodist Churc | 503-253-7567 | 11111 NE Knott St | Portland | OR | 97220 |
Portland Center for Spiritual Aware | 503-261-0677 | 3983 NE 112th Ave | Portland | OR | 97220 |
Portland Word and Spirit Church | 503-771-0022 | 10302 NE Sandy Blvd | Portland | OR | 97220 |
Woodland Park Baptst Church | 503-253-1944 | 11375 NE Halsey St | Portland | OR | 97220 |
Woodland Park Chapel | 503-253-7049 | 1914 NE 102nd Ave | Portland | OR | 97220 |
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