Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Dentists in Portland, OR 97205
* Each listing below of Dentists Information for Portland OR should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
A Downtown Dental Care | 503-228-4122 | 511 SW 10th Ave Ste 1114 | Portland | OR | 97205 |
Abblitt James B Dmd Ms Pc Periodontist | 503-224-3853 | 833 SW 11th Ave | Portland | OR | 97205 |
Anderson Scott P Dmd Pc | 503-226-1688 | 511 SW 10th Ave Ste 1214 | Portland | OR | 97205 |
Balmforth Kenneth R Dntst | 503-227-1491 | 610 SW Alder St Ste 901 | Portland | OR | 97205 |
Bibb Martha S Dmd Magd | 503-222-9222 | 833 SW 11th Ave Ste 700 | Portland | OR | 97205 |
Bloom Cheri C Dds Dentist | 503-228-6870 | 833 SW 11th Ave Ste 405 | Portland | OR | 97205 |
Bollermann Tasha Dmd | 503-222-4283 | 511 SW 10th Ave Ste 808 | Portland | OR | 97205 |
Bridgeview Dental Associates | 503-224-9130 | 511 SW 10th Ave Ste 1206 | Portland | OR | 97205 |
Downtown Dental Associates Llp | 503-227-0958 | 1221 SW Yamhill St Ste 310 | Portland | OR | 97205 |
Edwards Kevin Dds Pc | 503-222-5580 | 833 SW 11th Ave Ste 910 | Portland | OR | 97205 |
Galloway Sandra L Portland Office | 503-228-1506 | 610 SW Alder St Ste 1105 | Portland | OR | 97205 |
Harewood Lillian Dmd | 503-228-2531 | 833 SW 11th Ave Ste 525 | Portland | OR | 97205 |
Irwin Chris K Dmd | 503-223-4294 | 833 SW 11th Ave Ste 915 | Portland | OR | 97205 |
Menashe Laniado Sandra Dntst | 503-227-5655 | 511 SW 10th Ave Ste 1107 | Portland | OR | 97205 |
Simmons Steven M Dmd | 503-223-4993 | 833 SW 11th Ave Ste 800 | Portland | OR | 97205 |
Summer John Dds | 503-241-7353 | 833 SW 11th Ave Ste 810 | Portland | OR | 97205 |
Tender Care Dental Centers | 503-242-3888 | 714 SW Washington St | Portland | OR | 97205 |
Wasserman Joel D Dntst | 503-227-1693 | 511 SW 10th Ave Ste 614 | Portland | OR | 97205 |
Whitten Brian Dds | 503-224-0090 | 511 SW 10th Ave Ste 1101 | Portland | OR | 97205 |
Wooley Orthodontics | 503-228-1945 | 511 SW 10th Ave Ste 709 | Portland | OR | 97205 |
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