Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Homes in Portland, OR 97209
* Each listing below of Homes Information for Portland OR should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Alderman James | 503-294-1101 | 1220 NW Lovejoy St | Portland | OR | 97209 |
Aws Real Estate | 503-294-0381 | 1231 NW Hoyt St Ste 201 | Portland | OR | 97209 |
Civic Housing Llc | 503-241-1926 | 202 NW 13th Ave | Portland | OR | 97209 |
Debbie Thomas Real Estate | 503-226-2141 | 402 NW 13th Ave | Portland | OR | 97209 |
Ezelle Investment Properties | 503-220-1910 | 333 NW 9th Ave Apt 1406 | Portland | OR | 97209 |
Greater Portland Real Estate | 503-227-5530 | 1925 NW Overton St | Portland | OR | 97209 |
Hoyt Street Realty | 503-227-2000 | 1130 NW 10th Ave | Portland | OR | 97209 |
Marshall Wells Lofts | 503-223-2255 | 1001 NW 14th Ave | Portland | OR | 97209 |
Pacific Real Estate | 503-242-4901 | 1225 W Burnside St | Portland | OR | 97209 |
Pearl District Properties | 503-222-1122 | 717 NW 11th Ave | Portland | OR | 97209 |
Real Estate at 16th and Lovejoy | 503-227-5151 | 1005 NW 16th Ave | Portland | OR | 97209 |
Waterfront Pearl Realty | 503-229-7600 | 1200 NW Naito Pkwy Ste 620 | Portland | OR | 97209 |
Windermere Cronin & Caplan Realty G | 503-220-1144 | 733 NW 20th Ave | Portland | OR | 97209 |
Windermere Cronin & Caplan Realty G | 503-222-9701 | 636 NW 21st Ave | Portland | OR | 97209 |
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