Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Restaurants in Portland, OR 97216
* Each listing below of Restaurants Information for Portland OR should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Acapulco Mexican Restaurant Y Ca | 503-257-0567 | 10566 SE Washington St | Portland | OR | 97216 |
Ah Fong Kitchen | 503-774-0061 | 1815 SE 82nd Ave | Portland | OR | 97216 |
Arby's Roast Beef Restaurants | 503-255-2306 | 10071 SE Washington St | Portland | OR | 97216 |
Bon Teriyaki | 503-258-8886 | 10308 SE Washington St | Portland | OR | 97216 |
Burger King | 503-252-5153 | 10010 SE Stark St | Portland | OR | 97216 |
Classic Crust Cafe & Bakery | 503-408-0228 | 8911 SE Stark St | Portland | OR | 97216 |
Danna Brothers-Elmers | 503-253-4496 | 9800 SE Stark St | Portland | OR | 97216 |
Denny's Restaurant | 503-254-8460 | 10428 SE Stark St | Portland | OR | 97216 |
Elmer's Breakfast Lunch Dinner | 503-256-0333 | 9660 SE Stark St | Portland | OR | 97216 |
Hometown Buffet | 503-252-0741 | 10542 SE Washington St | Portland | OR | 97216 |
Hooter's Restaurant | 503-251-8400 | 9950 SE Stark St | Portland | OR | 97216 |
Hung Far Low | 503-223-8686 | 2410 SE 82nd Ave | Portland | OR | 97216 |
Karmacafe | 503-772-1500 | 8220 SE Harrison St | Portland | OR | 97216 |
McMenamins Pubs | 503-254-5411 | 9710 SE Washington St | Portland | OR | 97216 |
Newport Bay Restaurants | 503-255-2722 | 9722 SE Washington St | Portland | OR | 97216 |
Olive Garden Italian Restaurant | 503-258-0763 | 9830 SE Washington St | Portland | OR | 97216 |
Pho Van Restaurant | 503-788-5244 | 1919 SE 82nd Ave | Portland | OR | 97216 |
Red Robin America's Gourmet Burgers | 503-257-2900 | 9880 SE Washington St | Portland | OR | 97216 |
Saigon Cuisine | 503-262-6774 | 10102 SE Washington St | Portland | OR | 97216 |
Subway Sandwiches & Salads | 503-257-8406 | 18 SE 82nd Ave | Portland | OR | 97216 |
Taco Bell | 503-255-7116 | 9350 SE Stark St | Portland | OR | 97216 |
Village Inn Pancake House The | 503-256-2380 | 10301 SE Stark St | Portland | OR | 97216 |
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