Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Restaurants in Portland, OR 97219
* Each listing below of Restaurants Information for Portland OR should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Acapulco's Southwest Gold | 503-244-0771 | 7800 SW Capitol Hwy | Portland | OR | 97219 |
Baba Fresh | 503-244-8688 | 11139 SW Capitol Hwy | Portland | OR | 97219 |
Baker's Bistro | 503-452-8474 | 11136 SW Capitol Hwy | Portland | OR | 97219 |
Barn the Old | 503-245-7981 | 9656 SW Barbur Blvd | Portland | OR | 97219 |
Bentoz | 503-245-7152 | 9107 SW Barbur Blvd | Portland | OR | 97219 |
Boulevard Cafe | 503-245-9954 | 7958 SW Barbur Blvd | Portland | OR | 97219 |
Buffalo Gap Saloon & Eatery | 503-244-7111 | 6835 SW Macadam Ave | Portland | OR | 97219 |
Burger King | 503-245-1238 | 7601 SW Barbur Blvd | Portland | OR | 97219 |
Chez Jose' | 503-244-0007 | 8502 SW Terwilliger Blvd | Portland | OR | 97219 |
Cider Mill Restaurant & Lounge | 503-246-7266 | 6712 SW Capitol Hwy | Portland | OR | 97219 |
Fat City Cafe | 503-245-5457 | 7820 SW Capitol Hwy | Portland | OR | 97219 |
Golden Touch Family Restaurant | 503-245-2007 | 8124 SW Barbur Blvd | Portland | OR | 97219 |
Happy Fortune | 503-244-8356 | 10420 SW Barbur Blvd | Portland | OR | 97219 |
Jack in the Box | 503-246-1512 | 8909 SW Barbur Blvd | Portland | OR | 97219 |
Kfc | 503-246-4233 | 7641 SW Barbur Blvd | Portland | OR | 97219 |
La Sirenita 2 | 503-234-3280 | 8029 SW 17th Ave | Portland | OR | 97219 |
Lucky Labrador Public House | 503-244-2537 | 7675 SW Capitol Hwy | Portland | OR | 97219 |
Marco's Cafe & Espresso Bar | 503-245-0199 | 7910 SW 35th Ave | Portland | OR | 97219 |
Mashita Teriyaki | 503-452-7909 | 8981 SW Barbur Blvd | Portland | OR | 97219 |
McDonald's Corp | 503-246-6711 | 10060 SW Barbur Blvd | Portland | OR | 97219 |
Mugi | 503-977-5088 | 4835 SW Pomona St | Portland | OR | 97219 |
New Delhi Restaurant | 503-892-5811 | 9111 SW Barbur Blvd | Portland | OR | 97219 |
Norm's Garden | 503-452-1757 | 7710 SW Barbur Blvd | Portland | OR | 97219 |
O'connor's Restaurant | 503-244-1690 | 7850 SW Capitol Hwy | Portland | OR | 97219 |
Original Pancake House The | 503-246-1049 | 8601 SW 24th Ave | Portland | OR | 97219 |
Osakaya | 503-293-1066 | 7007 SW Macadam Ave | Portland | OR | 97219 |
Otto & Anita's European Restaurant | 503-452-1411 | 3025 SW Canby St | Portland | OR | 97219 |
Peanut Butter & Ellie's | 503-282-1783 | 4405 SW Vermont St | Portland | OR | 97219 |
Renners Grill | 503-246-9097 | 7819 SW Capitol Hwy | Portland | OR | 97219 |
Robbi's | 503-246-6644 | 8610 SW Terwilliger Blvd | Portland | OR | 97219 |
Springriver Productions Inc | 503-246-1460 | 7025 SW Macadam Ave | Portland | OR | 97219 |
Steaks New York New York | 503-768-4408 | 7737 SW Barbur Blvd | Portland | OR | 97219 |
Subway Capitol 2542 | 503-245-2143 | 11120 SW Capitol Hwy | Portland | OR | 97219 |
Taco Time | 503-246-1869 | 9455 SW Barbur Blvd | Portland | OR | 97219 |
Village Hut | 503-768-3975 | 7647 SW Capitol Hwy | Portland | OR | 97219 |
Wendy's Old Fashioned Hamburgers | 503-244-8362 | 9445 SW Barbur Blvd | Portland | OR | 97219 |
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