Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Beauty Salons in Portland, OR 97225
* Each listing below of Beauty Salons Information for Portland OR should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Complexions | 503-292-4885 | 6964 SW Beaverton Hillsdale | Portland | OR | 97225 |
Dalena Salon | 503-297-6128 | 8666 SW Canyon Rd | Portland | OR | 97225 |
Daniel's Individual Hair Care | 503-292-9156 | 8148 SW Beaverton Hillsdale | Portland | OR | 97225 |
Edward Wadsworth Salon Westside | 503-292-8868 | 8650 SW Canyon Rd | Portland | OR | 97225 |
Elegant Hair Design | 503-203-1878 | 8745 SW Beaverton Hillsdale | Portland | OR | 97225 |
Emerald Tan and Beauty | 503-297-1360 | 8225 SW Apple Way | Portland | OR | 97225 |
Great Clips for Hair | 503-297-1876 | 7535 SW Barnes Rd Ste 107 | Portland | OR | 97225 |
Kroma Salon | 503-627-0606 | 10930 SW Barnes Rd | Portland | OR | 97225 |
Mar Don His & Hers Hair Fashions | 503-292-4497 | 4475 SW Scholls Ferry Rd Ste 104 | Portland | OR | 97225 |
Mister Poe's Salon | 503-297-8228 | 4834 SW Scholls Ferry Rd | Portland | OR | 97225 |
Naomi Hair Apparent | 503-297-9090 | 3775 SW 91st Ave | Portland | OR | 97225 |
Si's Hair Salon | 503-203-5985 | 8775 SW Canyon Rd | Portland | OR | 97225 |
Sona | 503-253-7662 | 9701 SW Barnes Rd | Portland | OR | 97225 |
Split Enz Salon | 503-291-0372 | 8835 SW Canyon Ln Ste 201 | Portland | OR | 97225 |
Tan Rio | 503-646-9730 | 11170 SW Barnes Rd | Portland | OR | 97225 |
Traci's Hair Studio | 503-292-4414 | 10020 SW Canyon Rd | Portland | OR | 97225 |
Tyler Mychaels Hair Design | 503-292-9000 | 10215 SW Park Way Ste B | Portland | OR | 97225 |
West Slope Salon | 503-292-3373 | 8675 SW Canyon Rd | Portland | OR | 97225 |
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