Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Beaverton, OR 97005
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Beaverton OR should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Beaverton Christian Church | 503-646-2151 | 13600 SW Allen Blvd | Beaverton | OR | 97005 |
Beaverton First Baptist Church | 503-646-4455 | 5755 SW Erickson Ave | Beaverton | OR | 97005 |
Bethel Congregational United Chruch O | 503-646-1191 | 5150 SW Watson Ave | Beaverton | OR | 97005 |
Calvary Chapel Portland | 503-644-0869 | 12625 SW Broadway St | Beaverton | OR | 97005 |
Christian Science | 503-644-7119 | 12400 SW 1st St | Beaverton | OR | 97005 |
Christian Science | 503-644-2502 | 12270 SW 9th St | Beaverton | OR | 97005 |
Fifth Street Church of Christ | 503-644-9017 | 11775 SW 5th St | Beaverton | OR | 97005 |
Korean First Southern Baptist Church | 503-646-9409 | 11265 SW Cabot St | Beaverton | OR | 97005 |
Mission Hispana El Buen Pastor | 503-574-3360 | 5675 SW Erickson Ave | Beaverton | OR | 97005 |
New Vision Fellowship | 503-641-5305 | 5525 SW Menlo Dr | Beaverton | OR | 97005 |
St Andrew Lutheran Church Elca | 503-646-0550 | 12405 SW Butner Rd | Beaverton | OR | 97005 |
St Matthew Lutheran Church | 503-644-9148 | 10390 SW Canyon Rd | Beaverton | OR | 97005 |
Unity Church of Beaverton | 503-646-3364 | 12650 SW 5th St | Beaverton | OR | 97005 |
Unity Church of Beaverton Daily | 503-626-7414 | 12655 SW 6th St | Beaverton | OR | 97005 |
Village Baptist Church | 503-643-6511 | 330 SW Murray Blvd | Beaverton | OR | 97005 |
Westside United Methodist Churc | 503-643-8070 | 13420 SW Butner Rd | Beaverton | OR | 97005 |
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