Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Portland, OR 97223
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Portland OR should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
A Beka Book Curriculum | 503-524-3500 | 12930 SW Scholls Ferry Rd | Portland | OR | 97223 |
Baps Hindu Temple | 503-597-3030 | 11365 SW Tigard St | Portland | OR | 97223 |
Baptist Churches Garb | 503-246-4126 | 6501 SW Multnomah Blvd | Portland | OR | 97223 |
Bruemmer Darryl Rev | 503-620-2354 | 9640 SW Greenburg Rd | Portland | OR | 97223 |
Calvary Chapel Metro | 503-892-3440 | 11511 SW Pacific Hwy | Portland | OR | 97223 |
Community of Christ Tuality | 503-684-6620 | 13855 SW Pacific Hwy | Portland | OR | 97223 |
Faith Pentecostal Tabernacle | 503-639-9223 | 12750 SW Pacific Hwy | Portland | OR | 97223 |
Japanese International Baptist Church | 503-246-4680 | 8500 SW Spruce St | Portland | OR | 97223 |
Metzger Community Preschool | 503-246-1880 | 9055 SW Locust St | Portland | OR | 97223 |
Metzger Park Hall | 503-246-0998 | 8400 SW Hemlock St | Portland | OR | 97223 |
Our Redeemer Lutheran Church | 503-524-6646 | 13401 SW Benish St | Portland | OR | 97223 |
Solid Rock Fellowship Inc | 503-620-1120 | 10200 SW Nimbus Ave | Portland | OR | 97223 |
Tigard Christian Church | 503-639-5713 | 13405 SW Hall Blvd | Portland | OR | 97223 |
Tigard Foursquare Church Rev | 503-639-9203 | 13720 SW Pacific Hwy | Portland | OR | 97223 |
Word of Grace Christian Church | 503-670-1530 | 12289 SW Main St | Portland | OR | 97223 |
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