Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Sherwood, OR 97140
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Sherwood OR should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day S | 503-625-2358 | 17234 SW Meinecke Rd | Sherwood | OR | 97140 |
First Church of the Apostolic Faith | 503-925-8482 | 300 NE Multnomah | Sherwood | OR | 97140 |
Harvest View Christian Church | 503-625-3497 | 22450 SW Washington St | Sherwood | OR | 97140 |
Mountain Home United Methodist Churc | 503-628-2064 | 23905 SW Wunderli Canyon Rd | Sherwood | OR | 97140 |
Nottinghams | 503-925-8779 | 22418 SW Pine St | Sherwood | OR | 97140 |
Sherwood Bible Fellowship | 503-625-7758 | 23550 SW Pine St | Sherwood | OR | 97140 |
Sherwood United Methodist Churc | 503-625-7115 | 22280 SW Washington St | Sherwood | OR | 97140 |
St Paul Lutheran Church & School | 503-625-6648 | 17500 SW Cedarview Way | Sherwood | OR | 97140 |
Woodhaven Community Church | 503-625-0586 | 22240 SW Washington St | Sherwood | OR | 97140 |
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