Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Homes in Portland, OR 97223
* Each listing below of Homes Information for Portland OR should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Aluli Real Estate Holdings | 503-579-4718 | 14350 SW Barrows Rd | Portland | OR | 97223 |
Appleton Properties Inc | 503-684-1502 | 7100 SW Hampton St Ste 103 | Portland | OR | 97223 |
Binyon's | 503-968-5249 | Washington Sq | Portland | OR | 97223 |
Cash's Realty | 503-639-4137 | 12525 SW Main St | Portland | OR | 97223 |
Columbia Commercial Properties | 503-968-2262 | 7460 SW Hunziker St | Portland | OR | 97223 |
Compass Commercial Real Estate Services | 503-431-2424 | 7340 SW Hunziker St | Portland | OR | 97223 |
Fox Capital Corp | 503-452-2995 | 9860 SW Hall Blvd Ste C2 | Portland | OR | 97223 |
James Royce Investment Llc | 503-977-0303 | 9860 SW Hall Blvd | Portland | OR | 97223 |
John L Scott Ptl | 503-671-0221 | 9020 SW Washington Square Rd Ste 100 | Portland | OR | 97223 |
John L Scott Real Estate | 503-245-1200 | 10260 SW Greenburg Rd Ste 250 | Portland | OR | 97223 |
Lincoln Center Management Offi | 503-452-5900 | 10300 SW Greenburg Rd Ste 200 | Portland | OR | 97223 |
Meadows Group Inc Realtors | 503-590-1500 | 12655 SW North Dakota St | Portland | OR | 97223 |
Morfitt Nell Jr | 503-244-2518 | 8830 SW Oak Ln | Portland | OR | 97223 |
Ostly Bruce M | 503-977-3551 | 7695 SW Aloma Way | Portland | OR | 97223 |
Pdx Realty Portland Metro | 503-244-3675 | 9455 SW 80th Ave | Portland | OR | 97223 |
Prudential Northwest Properties | 503-625-6676 | 16200 SW Langer Dr | Portland | OR | 97223 |
Real Estate Super Store | 503-639-1300 | 8770 SW Nimbus Dr | Portland | OR | 97223 |
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