Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Homes in Portland, OR 97224
* Each listing below of Homes Information for Portland OR should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Benchmark Realty | 503-620-4400 | 18057 SW Lower Boones Ferry R | Portland | OR | 97224 |
Coldwell Banker Barbara Sue Seal Proper | 503-241-5500 | 7420 SW Bridgeport Rd Ste 204 | Portland | OR | 97224 |
First Real Estate Network | 503-620-0264 | 15100 SW 119th Ave | Portland | OR | 97224 |
Kolve G C Company | 503-620-8087 | 14389 SW Pacific Hwy | Portland | OR | 97224 |
Kurasz Consulting Inc | 503-443-2043 | 17020 SW Upper Boones Ferry R Ste 100 | Portland | OR | 97224 |
Market Asset Group | 503-546-8888 | 17497 SW Rivendell Dr | Portland | OR | 97224 |
Pacific First Financial Realty | 503-620-8100 | 16101 SW 72nd Ave | Portland | OR | 97224 |
Pacific Realty Associates Lp | 503-624-5722 | 16300 SW 72nd Ave | Portland | OR | 97224 |
Pacific Realty Associates Lp | 503-624-6300 | 15350 SW Sequoia Pkwy Ste 300 | Portland | OR | 97224 |
Prestige Properties | 503-639-7220 | 15390 SW 116th Ave | Portland | OR | 97224 |
Prestige Properties | 503-620-2673 | 11445 SW Summerfield Dr | Portland | OR | 97224 |
Prudential Northwest Properties | 503-646-7826 | 14945 SW Sequoia Pkwy Ste 150 | Portland | OR | 97224 |
Wright Properties Inc | 503-684-1412 | 11725 SW Queen Elizabeth St Ste B | Portland | OR | 97224 |
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