Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Public Schools in Hillsboro, OR 97123
* Each listing below of Public Schools Information for Hillsboro OR should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
City View Charter School | 503-844-9424 | 1771 SE Minter Bridge Rd | Hillsboro | OR | 97123 |
Eagle Flight Center Inc | 503-648-7151 | Hillsboro Airport | Hillsboro | OR | 97123 |
Faith Bible High School | 503-681-8254 | 4435 SE Tualatin Valley Hwy | Hillsboro | OR | 97123 |
Hillsboro School District 1J | 503-844-1630 | 32030 NW North Ave | Hillsboro | OR | 97123 |
Hillsboro School District 1J | 503-693-2922 | 560 SE 3rd Ave | Hillsboro | OR | 97123 |
Hillsboro School District 1J | 503-844-1715 | 3960 SE Cedar St | Hillsboro | OR | 97123 |
Hillsboro School District 1J | 503-844-1070 | 1505 SW Cornelius Pass Rd | Hillsboro | OR | 97123 |
Hillsboro School District 1J | 503-844-1735 | 8300 SW Hillsboro Hwy | Hillsboro | OR | 97123 |
Hillsboro School District 1J | 503-844-1600 | 23405 SW Scholls Ferry Rd | Hillsboro | OR | 97123 |
Portland Community College | 503-615-6801 | 102 SW Washington St | Hillsboro | OR | 97123 |
St Matthew Catholic Church | 503-648-2512 | 221 SE Walnut St | Hillsboro | OR | 97123 |
Tualatin Valley Junior Academy | 503-649-5518 | 21975 SW Baseline Rd | Hillsboro | OR | 97123 |
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