Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Restaurants in Beaverton, OR 97007
* Each listing below of Restaurants Information for Beaverton OR should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
A & W All American Food Restaurant | 503-524-5188 | 14845 SW Murray Scholls Dr | Beaverton | OR | 97007 |
Amigo's II Mexican Restaurant | 503-649-3699 | 17683 SW Farmington Rd | Beaverton | OR | 97007 |
Beaches Restaurant & Bar | 503-579-3737 | 14550 SW Murray Scholls Dr | Beaverton | OR | 97007 |
Buddies Sports Bar & Grill | 503-642-5151 | 18520 SW Farmington Rd | Beaverton | OR | 97007 |
El Tapatio Restaurant | 503-649-7545 | 18617 SW Farmington Rd | Beaverton | OR | 97007 |
House of Good Fortune | 503-579-5932 | 14603 SW Teal Blvd | Beaverton | OR | 97007 |
Malone's Cafe & Bar | 503-579-3663 | 14709 SW Teal Blvd | Beaverton | OR | 97007 |
Mashita Teriyaki | 503-590-7800 | 14625 SW Teal Blvd | Beaverton | OR | 97007 |
Sakura Teriyaki Restaurant | 503-259-9921 | 17691 SW Farmington Rd Ste C | Beaverton | OR | 97007 |
Samurai Sam's Teriyaki Grill | 503-590-5828 | 14845 SW Murray Scholls Dr Ste 103 | Beaverton | OR | 97007 |
Sandoval's Mexican Restaurants | 503-590-7668 | 14775 SW Teal Blvd | Beaverton | OR | 97007 |
Shari's Restaurant | 503-642-1529 | 6029 SW 185th Ave | Beaverton | OR | 97007 |
Sushi Boat | 503-590-5675 | 14800 SW Murray Scholls Dr | Beaverton | OR | 97007 |
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