Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Restaurants in Portland, OR 97225
* Each listing below of Restaurants Information for Portland OR should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Amazon Sports Bar & Grill | 503-203-8999 | 6750 SW Beaverton Hillsdale | Portland | OR | 97225 |
Aoba Sushi Cafe | 503-296-7688 | 8680 SW Canyon Rd | Portland | OR | 97225 |
Bangkok Blue | 503-297-3389 | 4795 SW 77th Ave | Portland | OR | 97225 |
Coach's Bar & Grill | 503-203-8250 | 10162 SW Park Way | Portland | OR | 97225 |
Eastern Pearl Restaurant | 503-292-2164 | 8651 SW Canyon Dr | Portland | OR | 97225 |
Garlic Jim's | 503-645-3400 | 12480 SW Walker Rd | Portland | OR | 97225 |
Geraldi's Italian Eating Place | 503-297-2590 | 10000 SW Canyon Rd | Portland | OR | 97225 |
Hands on Cafe and Catering | 503-297-1480 | 8245 SW Barnes Rd | Portland | OR | 97225 |
Marco Polo Restaurant | 503-222-1090 | 9900 SW Canyon Rd | Portland | OR | 97225 |
McMenamins Pubs | 503-292-1723 | 4495 SW Scholls Ferry Rd | Portland | OR | 97225 |
Noodles Restaurant | 503-292-6480 | 6830 SW Beaverton Hillsdale | Portland | OR | 97225 |
NW Terlyaki House | 503-297-6523 | 10204 SW Park Way | Portland | OR | 97225 |
Pepper Tree Thai Cuisine | 503-297-3062 | 6555 SW Beaverton Hillsdale | Portland | OR | 97225 |
Raccoon Lodge & Brew Pub The | 503-296-0110 | 7424 SW Beaverton Hillsdale | Portland | OR | 97225 |
Sakura Bana Resturant | 503-292-8899 | 6620 SW Beaverton Hillsdale | Portland | OR | 97225 |
Si Senor Family Mexican Restaurant | 503-203-2999 | 4820 SW 76th Ave | Portland | OR | 97225 |
Taco Bell | 503-297-5840 | 6560 SW Beaverton Hillsdale | Portland | OR | 97225 |
Thai Roses | 503-292-7575 | 6850 SW Beaverton Hillsdale | Portland | OR | 97225 |
Uptown Cafe | 503-292-5131 | 8825 SW Canyon Rd | Portland | OR | 97225 |
Webber's Crossing | 503-292-3932 | 7000 SW Beaverton Hillsdale | Portland | OR | 97225 |
Westside Bar & Grill | 503-296-0050 | 8775 SW Canyon Ln | Portland | OR | 97225 |
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