Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Air Conditioning Services in Pittsburgh, PA 15237
* Each listing below of Air Conditioning Services Information for Pittsburgh PA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Able Air Conditioning and Heating | 412-366-7765 | 4844 McKnight Rd | Pittsburgh | PA | 15237 |
Bearer M S Heating & Cooling | 412-366-5666 | 603 Tara Dr | Pittsburgh | PA | 15237 |
Beverly Services | 412-366-2525 | 4525 McKnight Rd | Pittsburgh | PA | 15237 |
Bolster Dehart Incorporated | 412-521-5211 | 333 Rochester Rd | Pittsburgh | PA | 15237 |
Christy Plumbing & Heating Co Inc | 412-367-3545 | 3350 Babcock Blvd | Pittsburgh | PA | 15237 |
Hartman Rick Plumbing & Heating Inc | 412-369-8018 | 315 Birch Ave | Pittsburgh | PA | 15237 |
Hopey Heating & Cooling | 412-366-5692 | 3362 Babcock Blvd | Pittsburgh | PA | 15237 |
J A Sauer Co Heating & Air Conditionng | 412-931-7200 | 4559 Peoples Rd | Pittsburgh | PA | 15237 |
Saunders Plumbing Inc | 412-766-8150 | 963 Perry Hwy | Pittsburgh | PA | 15237 |
Sun Ray Heating Air Conditioning & | 412-367-4600 | 801 Cumberland Rd | Pittsburgh | PA | 15237 |
Terry's Plumbing | 412-487-5599 | 3227 Babcock Blvd | Pittsburgh | PA | 15237 |
White Heating Inc | 412-364-5003 | 3467 Babcock Blvd | Pittsburgh | PA | 15237 |
York International Corporation | 412-364-6600 | 3261 Babcock Blvd | Pittsburgh | PA | 15237 |
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