Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Carnegie, PA 15106
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Carnegie PA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
All Saints Polish National Cathol | 412-276-2462 | 500 5th St | Carnegie | PA | 15106 |
Atonement Episcopal Church | 412-279-1944 | 618 Washington Ave | Carnegie | PA | 15106 |
Bible Baptist Church of Pittsburgh | 412-276-7717 | 412 Washington Ave | Carnegie | PA | 15106 |
First Christian Church | 412-279-5030 | Anthony & Lydia Sts | Carnegie | PA | 15106 |
Holy Trinity Church | 412-279-4652 | 730 Washington Ave | Carnegie | PA | 15106 |
Holy Virgin Russian Orthodox Church | 412-276-6234 | 214 Mansfield Blvd | Carnegie | PA | 15106 |
Our Lady of Fatima Church | 412-276-2558 | 175 McMichael Rd | Carnegie | PA | 15106 |
Presbyterian Church in America | 412-788-6100 | 77 Phillips Ln | Carnegie | PA | 15106 |
Primitive Methodist Church | 412-279-6888 | 640 Dow Ave | Carnegie | PA | 15106 |
Saint Andrew Lutheran Church | 412-279-3615 | 218 Alter St | Carnegie | PA | 15106 |
Saint John Lutheran Church | 412-279-2952 | Washington Ave | Carnegie | PA | 15106 |
Second Baptist Church | 412-276-6606 | Mansfield Avenue & S | Carnegie | PA | 15106 |
Solid Rock Foundation Ministries Inc | 412-278-3411 | 435 Broadway St | Carnegie | PA | 15106 |
St Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish Social S | 412-276-2733 | 127 Finley Ave | Carnegie | PA | 15106 |
St Peter & Paul Ukranian Orthod | 412-276-9718 | 220 Mansfield Blvd | Carnegie | PA | 15106 |
Victorious Faith Evangelistic Ou | 412-276-5073 | 708 Idlewood Ave | Carnegie | PA | 15106 |
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