Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Clairton, PA 15025
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Clairton PA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Ascension of Our Lord Byzantine Catho | 412-233-7422 | 318 Park Ave | Clairton | PA | 15025 |
Beulah Baptist Church | 412-384-9278 | 1028 Scotia Hollow Rd | Clairton | PA | 15025 |
Bible Baptist Temple | 412-233-3737 | 1415 Worthington Ave | Clairton | PA | 15025 |
Episcopal Church of Transfiguration | 412-233-4449 | 447 Halcomb Ave | Clairton | PA | 15025 |
First A M E Church | 412-233-5837 | 177 Mitchell Ave | Clairton | PA | 15025 |
First United Methodist Church | 412-233-8163 | 500 Thompson Ave | Clairton | PA | 15025 |
Free Holiness Church of Deliverence | 412-233-0465 | 337 Shaw Ave | Clairton | PA | 15025 |
Jefferson United Methodist Churc | 412-653-3222 | 310 Gill Hall Rd | Clairton | PA | 15025 |
Jefferson United Presbyterian Ch | 412-653-4797 | 716 Gill Hall Rd | Clairton | PA | 15025 |
Lutheran Church of the Holy Spirit of | 412-233-6046 | 325 Walnut Ave | Clairton | PA | 15025 |
Morning Star Baptist Church | 412-233-7289 | 307 Shaw Ave | Clairton | PA | 15025 |
Mount Olive Baptist Church | 412-233-8517 | 451 Park Ave | Clairton | PA | 15025 |
Pine Run United Methodist Churc | 412-233-4006 | 901 N 6th St | Clairton | PA | 15025 |
Saint Anthony Greek Orthodox Church | 412-233-4004 | 424 Miller Ave | Clairton | PA | 15025 |
The Church of Jesus Christ | 412-233-2950 | 508 Reed St | Clairton | PA | 15025 |
Wilson Presbyterian Church | 412-233-5996 | 400 N 4th St | Clairton | PA | 15025 |
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