Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Duquesne, PA 15110
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Duquesne PA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Bethlehem Temple Church | 412-466-6517 | 27 S 6th St | Duquesne | PA | 15110 |
Christ Lutheran Church Elca | 412-466-7773 | 405 Kennedy Ave | Duquesne | PA | 15110 |
First Baptist Church of Duquesne | 412-466-5843 | 2 Saint & Hamilton Ave | Duquesne | PA | 15110 |
First Presbyterian Church Christia | 412-469-0480 | 25 Fairmont Ave | Duquesne | PA | 15110 |
First Presbyterian Church of Duque | 412-469-0750 | 719 Duquesne Blvd | Duquesne | PA | 15110 |
Gospel of Jesus Church | 412-466-5735 | 202 S 3rd St | Duquesne | PA | 15110 |
Grace United Church of Christ | 412-466-1635 | 100 S 7th St | Duquesne | PA | 15110 |
Jerusalem Baptist Church | 412-469-0801 | 12 S 5th St | Duquesne | PA | 15110 |
Macedonia Baptist Church | 412-466-7422 | 17 Cochran St | Duquesne | PA | 15110 |
Payne Chapel A M E | 412-466-6662 | 601 Priscilla Ave | Duquesne | PA | 15110 |
Saint Nicholas Russian Orthodox Church | 412-466-1180 | 507 Catherine St | Duquesne | PA | 15110 |
Saint Peter & Paul Byzantine Catho | 412-466-3578 | 701 Foster Ave | Duquesne | PA | 15110 |
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