Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Pittsburgh, PA 15205
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Pittsburgh PA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Ascension Catholic Church | 412-921-1230 | 114 Berry St | Pittsburgh | PA | 15205 |
Christian Church at Crafton | 412-921-3231 | 1040 E Windhaven Rd | Pittsburgh | PA | 15205 |
Church of the Nativity Episcopal | 412-921-4103 | 33 Alice St | Pittsburgh | PA | 15205 |
Crafton Heights United Presbyterian Ch | 412-921-9024 | 12 Stratmore Ave | Pittsburgh | PA | 15205 |
Crafton Heights United Presbyterian Ch | 412-921-6153 | 50 Stratmore Ave | Pittsburgh | PA | 15205 |
Crafton United Presbyterian | 412-921-2293 | 80 Bradford Ave | Pittsburgh | PA | 15205 |
Middletown Road Baptist Church | 412-928-8588 | 2660 Middletown Rd | Pittsburgh | PA | 15205 |
St John Vianney Manor | 412-928-0825 | 2600 Morange Rd | Pittsburgh | PA | 15205 |
St Matthew's Lutheran Church | 412-921-1125 | E Steuben St & Lincoln | Pittsburgh | PA | 15205 |
Ukranian Orthodox Church of USA | 412-278-2595 | 206 Christopher Cir | Pittsburgh | PA | 15205 |
United Presbyterian Church in Ingra | 412-921-2323 | 30 W Prospect Ave | Pittsburgh | PA | 15205 |
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