Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Beaver, PA 15009
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Beaver PA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Beaver Baptist Church | 724-774-9163 | 2585 Tuscarawas Rd | Beaver | PA | 15009 |
Beaver Christian and Missionary Alli | 724-728-2744 | 490 College Ave | Beaver | PA | 15009 |
Beaver United Methodist Church | 724-775-2893 | 345 College Ave | Beaver | PA | 15009 |
Bridgewater United Methodist Churc | 724-774-7414 | 908 Market St | Beaver | PA | 15009 |
Chapel Presbyterian Church | 724-775-7328 | 3435 Dutch Ridge Rd | Beaver | PA | 15009 |
Chapel Presbyterian Church Pca | 724-495-0297 | 625 Barclay Hill Rd | Beaver | PA | 15009 |
Christians United in Beaver County | 724-774-1446 | 1098 3rd St | Beaver | PA | 15009 |
First Christian Church | 724-774-0518 | 370 Iroquois Pl | Beaver | PA | 15009 |
First Presbyterian Church | 724-774-6398 | 252 College Ave | Beaver | PA | 15009 |
First United Presbyterian Ch | 724-774-1454 | 408 Bridge St | Beaver | PA | 15009 |
Four Mile Presbyterian Church | 724-495-6520 | 6078 Tuscarawas Rd | Beaver | PA | 15009 |
Park Presbyterian Church | 724-775-2936 | 275 Commerce St | Beaver | PA | 15009 |
Saints Peter & Paul Parish | 724-775-4111 | 200 3rd St | Beaver | PA | 15009 |
St John Ame Church | 724-775-1141 | 715 Mulberry St | Beaver | PA | 15009 |
Tusca Area Reformed Presbyterian Ch | 724-495-6811 | Darlington & Chapel | Beaver | PA | 15009 |
Vanport Presbyterian Church | 724-774-8874 | 289 Georgetown Ln | Beaver | PA | 15009 |
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