Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Reading, PA 19601
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Reading PA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Assembly of Christian Churches | 610-655-2787 | 543 Schuylkill Ave | Reading | PA | 19601 |
Calvary United Church of Christ | 610-374-2109 | 640 Centre Ave | Reading | PA | 19601 |
Christ Episcopal Church | 610-374-8269 | 5th | Reading | PA | 19601 |
Christ Lutheran Church | 610-376-0311 | 1301 Luzerne St | Reading | PA | 19601 |
Covenant Orthodox Presbyterian Ch | 610-374-7277 | Lackawanna | Reading | PA | 19601 |
Cristo Redentor Lutheran Church | 610-373-3522 | 449 N 9th St | Reading | PA | 19601 |
First Church of Christ Scientist | 610-376-3408 | Centre Ave | Reading | PA | 19601 |
Hispanic Church of the Brethren | 610-478-9822 | 1250 Schuylkill Ave | Reading | PA | 19601 |
Holy Cross United Methodist Churc | 610-373-7260 | 329 N 5th St | Reading | PA | 19601 |
Holy Spirit Lutheran Church | 610-376-0825 | 421 Windsor St | Reading | PA | 19601 |
Hope Lutheran Church 610 374 2 | 610-373-5691 | 105 W Greenwich St | Reading | PA | 19601 |
Life Line Center | 610-736-3490 | 2114 Bernville Rd | Reading | PA | 19601 |
New Hope Brown's Memorial Baptis | 610-373-8972 | 621 Church St | Reading | PA | 19601 |
Olivet Reformed Church | 610-372-9676 | 1648 Centre Ave | Reading | PA | 19601 |
Peace Lutheran Church | 610-374-7911 | 1728 Centre Ave | Reading | PA | 19601 |
Reading Berks Conference of C | 610-375-6108 | 54 N 8th St | Reading | PA | 19601 |
Reading Friends Meeting Quakers | 610-372-5345 | 108 N 6th St | Reading | PA | 19601 |
St John's Lutheran Church | 610-372-6950 | 521 Walnut St | Reading | PA | 19601 |
St Mark's United Church of Christ | 610-373-1789 | 211 W Greenwich St | Reading | PA | 19601 |
St Peter's United Church of Chris | 610-678-3621 | Curtis Rd | Reading | PA | 19601 |
St Stephens United Church of Chris | 610-376-4755 | 9 Saint | Reading | PA | 19601 |
Trinity Lutheran Church | 610-374-4861 | 527 Washington St | Reading | PA | 19601 |
Union Baptist Church | 610-376-4530 | 211 Schuylkill Ave # 213 | Reading | PA | 19601 |
Zion's United Church of Christ | 610-372-4858 | 824 Washington St | Reading | PA | 19601 |
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