Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Attorneys in Altoona, PA 16601
* Each listing below of Attorneys Information for Altoona PA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. | Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Andrews David P Attorney | 814-693-1407 | 4 Wildwood Cir | Altoona | PA | 16601 |
Bigelow Cherry Suzanne Attorney | 814-942-4389 | 521 E 25th Ave | Altoona | PA | 16601 |
Carothers James R Attorney | 814-943-1149 | 10 Sheraton Dr | Altoona | PA | 16601 |
Casanave N John | 814-943-8179 | 1331 12th Ave | Altoona | PA | 16601 |
English James | 814-946-1289 | 1331 12th Ave Ste 14 | Altoona | PA | 16601 |
Fleming Jeff | 814-943-5500 | 1218 11th Ave | Altoona | PA | 16601 |
Garver James | 814-942-3699 | 201 Regency Sq | Altoona | PA | 16601 |
Gibboney Allen E Atty | 814-944-4685 | 701 N 2nd St | Altoona | PA | 16601 |
Hamerview Associates Inc | 814-946-9904 | 1302 11th Ave | Altoona | PA | 16601 |
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