Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Attorneys in Johnstown, PA 15901
* Each listing below of Attorneys Information for Johnstown PA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. | Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Abood Caram J Atty | 814-535-6751 | 709 Franklin St | Johnstown | PA | 15901 |
Anthony Joseph A Atty | 814-535-3563 | 300 Market St | Johnstown | PA | 15901 |
Antonazzo Nicholas O Atty | 814-536-4441 | Pasquerilla Plz | Johnstown | PA | 15901 |
Ayres Ayres & Fleming | 814-535-8646 | 132 Gazebo Park Ste 175 | Johnstown | PA | 15901 |
Bagnato John J Atty | 814-536-0735 | 216 Franklin St Ste 400 | Johnstown | PA | 15901 |
Barbin Bryan Atty | 814-535-5561 | 206 Main St | Johnstown | PA | 15901 |
Cambria Cnty District Atty | 814-534-0953 | 401 Washington St | Johnstown | PA | 15901 |
Eckel William K Atty | 814-539-3441 | 132 Gazebo Park Ste 210 | Johnstown | PA | 15901 |
Filia Michael A Attorney at Law | 814-539-5892 | 132 Gazebo Park | Johnstown | PA | 15901 |
Gefsky & Associates | 814-535-3600 | 423 Main St | Johnstown | PA | 15901 |
Glock Earl F Atty | 814-536-0701 | 243 Adams St | Johnstown | PA | 15901 |
Goldberg Persky Jennings & Whit | 814-539-4007 | 132 Jackson St | Johnstown | PA | 15901 |
Graffius Terry L Atty | 814-539-6789 | 103 Clinton St | Johnstown | PA | 15901 |
Green Richard J Jr Atty | 814-536-0644 | 305 Franklin St | Johnstown | PA | 15901 |
Kaminsky Thomas Wharton & Lovette | 814-535-6756 | 360 Stonycreek St | Johnstown | PA | 15901 |
Kuzmiak John J Atty | 814-539-6151 | 442 Main St | Johnstown | PA | 15901 |
Messina Law Offices Inc | 814-535-6575 | 508 Somerset St | Johnstown | PA | 15901 |
O'malley James F Atty | 814-539-8126 | 216 Franklin St Ste 600 | Johnstown | PA | 15901 |
Raho David A | 814-535-3513 | 131 Market St # 200 | Johnstown | PA | 15901 |
Raptosh George Atty | 814-536-8741 | 227 Franklin St Ste 310 | Johnstown | PA | 15901 |
Svirsko Alex L Atty | 814-535-2575 | 1021 Church Ave | Johnstown | PA | 15901 |
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