Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Johnstown, PA 15902
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Johnstown PA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Beulah United Methodist Church | 814-539-0532 | 716 Bedford St | Johnstown | PA | 15902 |
Christ United Methodist Church | 814-539-6379 | 200 Ohio St | Johnstown | PA | 15902 |
Grace Assembly of God | 814-539-6351 | 598 Ash St | Johnstown | PA | 15902 |
Grove Avenue United Methodist Churc | 814-539-8684 | 501 Grove Ave | Johnstown | PA | 15902 |
Homestead Av United Methodist Churc | 814-536-3990 | 101 Homestead Ave | Johnstown | PA | 15902 |
Liberty Grace Brethern Church | 814-539-6423 | 1300 Frankstown Rd | Johnstown | PA | 15902 |
Moxham Christian Church | 814-288-3031 | 636 Cypress Ave | Johnstown | PA | 15902 |
Moxham Church of the Brethren | 814-539-7807 | 536 Grove Ave | Johnstown | PA | 15902 |
Moxham Lutheran Church | 814-539-8664 | 500 Park Ave | Johnstown | PA | 15902 |
Oakland United Methodist Churc | 814-269-3678 | 1504 Bedford St | Johnstown | PA | 15902 |
Second Presbyterian Church | 814-536-1192 | 565 Park Ave | Johnstown | PA | 15902 |
St James Missionary Baptist | 814-535-7150 | 400 Pine St | Johnstown | PA | 15902 |
St Paul's United Church of Christ | 814-536-3008 | 145 Ohio St | Johnstown | PA | 15902 |
Trinity Lutheran Church | 814-536-5213 | 600 Ash St | Johnstown | PA | 15902 |
Walnut Grove Church of the Brethren | 814-536-1811 | 1068 Bedford St | Johnstown | PA | 15902 |
Works of Deliverance Fellowship | 814-536-0215 | 550 Park Ave | Johnstown | PA | 15902 |
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