Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Johnstown, PA 15905
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Johnstown PA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Berkley Hills Christian Church | 814-255-1978 | 101 Nice Ave | Johnstown | PA | 15905 |
Centennial United Methodist Churc | 814-288-1633 | 426 Northfork Rd | Johnstown | PA | 15905 |
Christ Ev Lutheran Church | 814-255-1395 | 337 Elknud Ln | Johnstown | PA | 15905 |
Davidsville Christian School | 814-479-2525 | 197 Pender Rd | Johnstown | PA | 15905 |
Faith United Methodist Church | 814-288-3472 | 369 Glessner Rd | Johnstown | PA | 15905 |
Ferndale United Methodist Churc | 814-288-4553 | 221 Atlee St | Johnstown | PA | 15905 |
First Church of Christ Scientist | 814-255-5635 | 1067 Menoher Blvd | Johnstown | PA | 15905 |
Hilltop Baptist Church | 814-255-4658 | 1300 Goucher St | Johnstown | PA | 15905 |
Overbrook United Methodist Churc | 814-539-0102 | 334 Southmont Blvd | Johnstown | PA | 15905 |
Roxbury Church of the Brethren | 814-536-6716 | 112 Sell St | Johnstown | PA | 15905 |
Roxbury St Paul's United Methodis | 814-535-5049 | 160 Derby St | Johnstown | PA | 15905 |
St Vincent De Paul Caring Ministri | 814-539-4627 | 927 Franklin St | Johnstown | PA | 15905 |
Trinity Presbyterian Church in Ameri | 814-288-5124 | 837 Coon Ridge Rd | Johnstown | PA | 15905 |
Westmont Baptist Church Sbc | 814-255-3321 | 115 Jeffrey Dr | Johnstown | PA | 15905 |
Westmont Church of the Brethren | 814-255-2154 | 2301 Sunshine Ave | Johnstown | PA | 15905 |
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