Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Architects in State College, PA 16801
* Each listing below of Architects Information for State College PA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. | Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Alan R Popovich Aia | 814-466-6675 | 3939 S Atherton St | State College | PA | 16801 |
Arocena Lorna Architect | 814-234-1187 | 740 Elmwood St | State College | PA | 16801 |
Comprehensive Design | 814-238-7706 | 2766 W College Ave Ste 4 | State College | PA | 16801 |
Drobka Albert A | 814-238-0710 | 1352 S Atherton St | State College | PA | 16801 |
Fernsler Frederick J Architect | 814-234-6806 | 521 E Beaver Ave | State College | PA | 16801 |
Furnas Philip Architect | 814-235-2344 | 614 E Foster Ave | State College | PA | 16801 |
Haas Architects Engineers | 814-238-1551 | 152 W Fourth St | State College | PA | 16801 |
Lew M John Architect | 814-238-7738 | 2766 W College Ave | State College | PA | 16801 |
Wall H J Architect | 814-237-7432 | 974 Greenbriar Dr | State College | PA | 16801 |
Weber Murphy Fox Inc | 814-867-3508 | 403 S Allen St Ste 115 | State College | PA | 16801 |
Woollen Malcolm Architect | 814-867-4350 | 818 W Beaver Ave | State College | PA | 16801 |
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