Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Phoenixville, PA 19460
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Phoenixville PA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Anglican Ch of the Transfiguration | 610-415-9788 | 801 Columbia Ave | Phoenixville | PA | 19460 |
Baptist Church of Phoenixville | 610-933-4352 | 248 Church St | Phoenixville | PA | 19460 |
Bethel Baptist Church | 610-933-0560 | 412 Fairview St | Phoenixville | PA | 19460 |
Christian Science Church | 610-933-7805 | Anderson & Main Sts | Phoenixville | PA | 19460 |
Faith Baptist Church | 610-933-4079 | 1015 Livingston Ave | Phoenixville | PA | 19460 |
Fedornock John Most Rev | 610-933-3336 | Bridge & Starr Sts | Phoenixville | PA | 19460 |
First Presbyterian Church | 610-933-8816 | Main & Morgan Sts | Phoenixville | PA | 19460 |
First Presbyterian Church | 610-933-8060 | Minute Ministry Main | Phoenixville | PA | 19460 |
First United Methodist Church of Phoen | 610-933-5936 | 865 Main St | Phoenixville | PA | 19460 |
Grace Valley Fellowship | 610-935-7960 | 1485 Valley Forge Rd | Phoenixville | PA | 19460 |
Green Tree Church of the Brethren | 610-666-6700 | 1078 Egypt Rd | Phoenixville | PA | 19460 |
Otterbein United Methodist Churc | 610-933-8690 | 181 Walnut St | Phoenixville | PA | 19460 |
Parkside United Chruch of Christ | 610-933-3410 | 505 Main St | Phoenixville | PA | 19460 |
Pawling Independent Baptist Church | 610-933-6517 | 513 Pawlings Rd | Phoenixville | PA | 19460 |
Pennsylvania Southeast Conference U C | 610-489-2056 | 505 S 2nd Ave | Phoenixville | PA | 19460 |
Saint Vincent United Church of Chris | 610-933-4243 | 137 Ridge Rd | Phoenixville | PA | 19460 |
Schuylkill Friends Meeting | 610-933-8984 | Whitehorse Rd & Rt 2 | Phoenixville | PA | 19460 |
St John's Evangelical Lutheran Church | 610-933-3947 | 355 Saint Johns Cir | Phoenixville | PA | 19460 |
St John's United Church of Christ | 610-933-5311 | 315 Gay St | Phoenixville | PA | 19460 |
St Peter's Episcopal Church | 610-933-2195 | 143 Church St | Phoenixville | PA | 19460 |
Stairway To Heaven Christ | 610-422-0006 | 25 S Main St | Phoenixville | PA | 19460 |
United Methodist Church Eastern Pennsyl | 610-666-9091 | Valley Forge Corpora | Phoenixville | PA | 19460 |
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