Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Restaurants in Phoenixville, PA 19460
* Each listing below of Restaurants Information for Phoenixville PA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Bob Evans Restaurant | 610-650-0935 | 100 Cresson Blvd | Phoenixville | PA | 19460 |
Burger King | 610-983-0475 | 363 Schuylkill Rd | Phoenixville | PA | 19460 |
Camphill Village Coffee Shop | 610-935-3599 | Pughtown Rd | Phoenixville | PA | 19460 |
Cannuli's | 610-933-9730 | 1033 W Bridge St | Phoenixville | PA | 19460 |
Curtis Place | 610-917-8610 | 517 Kimberton Rd | Phoenixville | PA | 19460 |
Fisherman Restaurant The | 610-933-7340 | 440 Schuylkill Rd | Phoenixville | PA | 19460 |
Fountain Inn | 610-933-3021 | 498 Nutt Rd | Phoenixville | PA | 19460 |
Frank Jeffrey's at the Hotel Washingto | 610-935-7154 | 231 Bridge St | Phoenixville | PA | 19460 |
G Lodge Restaurants | 610-933-1646 | 1371 Valley Forge Rd | Phoenixville | PA | 19460 |
Irish Joe's Cafe | 610-935-3625 | 180 Bridge St | Phoenixville | PA | 19460 |
Iron Hill Brewery & Restaurant | 610-983-9333 | 570 Kimberton Rd | Phoenixville | PA | 19460 |
Jester's Sports Bar & Grille | 610-935-7141 | 208 Bridge St | Phoenixville | PA | 19460 |
Kim's Seafood | 610-935-2366 | 509 Village at Eland | Phoenixville | PA | 19460 |
King Chef | 610-983-3800 | 278 Schuylkill Rd | Phoenixville | PA | 19460 |
Liki Sushi Authentic Japanese Restau | 610-983-9960 | 243 Schuylkill Rd | Phoenixville | PA | 19460 |
Los Mariachis | 610-935-2659 | 201 Gay St | Phoenixville | PA | 19460 |
Majolica | 610-917-0962 | 258 Bridge St | Phoenixville | PA | 19460 |
McDonald's | 610-933-5922 | 651 Nutt Rd | Phoenixville | PA | 19460 |
My Favorite Muffin and Bagel Cafe | 610-933-3393 | 1212 Valley Forge Rd | Phoenixville | PA | 19460 |
Satang Thai Cuisine | 610-917-8780 | 277 Schuylkill Rd | Phoenixville | PA | 19460 |
Steel City Coffee House | 610-933-4043 | 203 Bridge St | Phoenixville | PA | 19460 |
Tri-Corners | 610-935-0897 | 800 W Bridge St | Phoenixville | PA | 19460 |
Walters Restaurant | 610-933-9923 | 1303 Charlestown Rd | Phoenixville | PA | 19460 |
Wendy's Old Fashioned Hamburgers | 610-917-9985 | 1137 Township Line Rd | Phoenixville | PA | 19460 |
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