Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Clarion, PA 16214
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Clarion PA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. | Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Christian & Missionary Alliance Church | 814-226-6448 | Greenville Avenue | Clarion | PA | 16214 |
Church of Christ | 814-227-2120 | 288 Grand Ave | Clarion | PA | 16214 |
First Baptist Church | 814-226-8233 | Main St & 7 Ave | Clarion | PA | 16214 |
First Presbyterian Church | 814-226-8145 | 700 Wood St | Clarion | PA | 16214 |
First United Methodist Church | 814-226-6660 | 600 Wood St | Clarion | PA | 16214 |
Free Methodist Church | 814-226-8941 | 245 South St | Clarion | PA | 16214 |
Grace Fellowship Church of Clarion | 814-745-2002 | 77 Timber Bridge Rd | Clarion | PA | 16214 |
Grace Lutheran Church | 814-226-7548 | 421 Madison St | Clarion | PA | 16214 |
Grace Lutheran Parsonage | 814-226-7755 | 420 Liberty St | Clarion | PA | 16214 |
Koinonia Christian Fellowship | 814-226-5507 | Main St & 7th Ave | Clarion | PA | 16214 |
New Rehoboth Greenville Presbyterian Ch | 814-764-3079 | 1419 Rehobeth Church Rd | Clarion | PA | 16214 |
Zion Baptist Church | 814-745-2814 | 114 Zion Rd | Clarion | PA | 16214 |
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