Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Harrisburg, PA 17109
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Harrisburg PA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Baptist Convention of Pennsylvania So | 717-652-5856 | 4620 Fritchey St | Harrisburg | PA | 17109 |
Brookfield Bible Church | 717-545-8919 | 3601 Brookfield Rd | Harrisburg | PA | 17109 |
Calvary United Methodist Churc | 717-545-0021 | 4700 Locust Ln | Harrisburg | PA | 17109 |
Christ Gospel Temple Apostolic Churc | 717-233-6302 | 1310 N 24th St | Harrisburg | PA | 17109 |
Christ the Savior Orthodox Church | 717-652-1825 | 5501 Locust Ln | Harrisburg | PA | 17109 |
Church of Christ | 717-652-3585 | 205 Miller Rd | Harrisburg | PA | 17109 |
Church Women United in Penna | 717-652-3105 | 900 S Arlington Ave | Harrisburg | PA | 17109 |
Colonial Park Church A United Methodis | 717-545-1911 | 430 Colonial Rd | Harrisburg | PA | 17109 |
Colonial Park Community Baptist Church | 717-545-3261 | 700 S Houcks Rd | Harrisburg | PA | 17109 |
Colonial Park U C C | 717-545-3782 | 5000 Devonshire Rd | Harrisburg | PA | 17109 |
Community Alliance Church | 717-671-7200 | 5401 Locust Ln | Harrisburg | PA | 17109 |
First Alliance Church | 717-564-4091 | 403 S Progress Ave | Harrisburg | PA | 17109 |
First Baptist Church | 717-238-8792 | 2605 Locust Ln | Harrisburg | PA | 17109 |
First Zion Baptist Church | 717-232-6509 | 1500 Edgemont Rd | Harrisburg | PA | 17109 |
Greater Zion Missionary Baptist Church | 717-541-0388 | 212 N Progress Ave | Harrisburg | PA | 17109 |
Living Hope Church | 717-541-0400 | 308 S Progress Ave | Harrisburg | PA | 17109 |
Mount Sinai A M E Church | 717-232-0667 | 2334 Highland Ave | Harrisburg | PA | 17109 |
Our Saviour Lutheran Church | 717-545-9992 | 420 N Progress Ave | Harrisburg | PA | 17109 |
Peniel Christian Fellowship | 717-238-5621 | 1710 Glenside Dr | Harrisburg | PA | 17109 |
Progress Community Nursery School | 717-545-8711 | 3640 Ash St | Harrisburg | PA | 17109 |
Redeemed United Church | 717-939-8503 | 860 Wood St | Harrisburg | PA | 17109 |
Ridgeway Community Church | 717-652-8471 | 515 N Progress Ave | Harrisburg | PA | 17109 |
Ridgeway Community Church | 717-545-4542 | 525 N Progress Ave | Harrisburg | PA | 17109 |
Saint Ann's Byzantine Catholic Church | 717-652-1415 | 5408 Locust Ln | Harrisburg | PA | 17109 |
Saint Mark's Evangelical Lut | 717-652-6700 | 4200 Londonderry Rd | Harrisburg | PA | 17109 |
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