Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Government Offices in Harrisburg, PA 17101
* Each listing below of Government Offices Information for Harrisburg PA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Dauphin County Library System | 717-232-7286 | Shopping Ctr | Harrisburg | PA | 17101 |
Dauphin County of | 717-780-6685 | Bratton | Harrisburg | PA | 17101 |
Dauphin County of | 717-780-7050 | 100 Chestnut St | Harrisburg | PA | 17101 |
Dauphin County of | 717-780-6130 | 25 N Front St | Harrisburg | PA | 17101 |
Harrisburg City of | 717-233-7211 | City Is | Harrisburg | PA | 17101 |
Harrisburg City of | 717-233-2085 | Reservoir Park Brown | Harrisburg | PA | 17101 |
Harrisburg City of | 717-233-7403 | Reservoir St | Harrisburg | PA | 17101 |
Pennsylvania Commonwealth of | 717-783-0895 | 14th & Calder | Harrisburg | PA | 17101 |
Pennsylvania Commonwealth of | 717-787-5373 | Cameron & Maclay St | Harrisburg | PA | 17101 |
Pennsylvania Commonwealth of | 717-558-6485 | Harrisburg the Pt | Harrisburg | PA | 17101 |
Pennsylvania Commonwealth of | 717-731-7083 | 2 Lemoyne Dr | Harrisburg | PA | 17101 |
Pennsylvania Commonwealth of | 717-787-8540 | 5 N 5th St | Harrisburg | PA | 17101 |
Pennsylvania Commonwealth of | 717-783-1566 | State Capitol Buildi | Harrisburg | PA | 17101 |
Pennsylvania Commonwealth of | 717-783-5048 | 555 Walnut St | Harrisburg | PA | 17101 |
Susquehanna Township of | 717-540-4294 | Marshall | Harrisburg | PA | 17101 |
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