Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Organizations in Harrisburg, PA 17104
* Each listing below of Organizations Information for Harrisburg PA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Allison Hill Community Ministry | 717-221-8969 | 313 S 15th St | Harrisburg | PA | 17104 |
Bellevue Park Association | 717-238-1929 | Oakwood Rd | Harrisburg | PA | 17104 |
Boy's Club of Harrisburg | 717-234-3268 | 1227 Berryhill St | Harrisburg | PA | 17104 |
Buffalo Soldier | 717-234-0525 | 200 S 18th St | Harrisburg | PA | 17104 |
Habitat for Humanity | 717-238-9239 | 1408 Zarker St | Harrisburg | PA | 17104 |
Hispanic Center | 717-232-7691 | 301 S 13th St | Harrisburg | PA | 17104 |
Ivey Lane Associates | 717-238-0345 | 1 Ivey Ln | Harrisburg | PA | 17104 |
Ivey Lane Associates | 717-238-0675 | 2 Ivey Ln | Harrisburg | PA | 17104 |
Pa Pyrotechnics Association | 717-238-1027 | 100 S 21st St | Harrisburg | PA | 17104 |
Pennsylvania Association of | 717-236-7180 | 22 S 22nd St | Harrisburg | PA | 17104 |
Pennsylvania Association of | 717-541-4214 | 525 S 29th St Ste 1 | Harrisburg | PA | 17104 |
Pennsylvania Dietetic Association | 717-236-1220 | 2040 Chestnut St | Harrisburg | PA | 17104 |
Pennsylvania Landscape & Nursery Assoc | 717-238-1673 | 1707 S Cameron St | Harrisburg | PA | 17104 |
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