Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Havertown, PA 19083
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Havertown PA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Armenian Martyrs' Congregationach | 610-446-3330 | Edmonds Ave | Havertown | PA | 19083 |
Bethany Collegiate Presbyterian Ch | 610-789-2486 | Twp Li | Havertown | PA | 19083 |
Child Evangelism Fellowship | 610-449-9564 | 153 N Eagle Rd | Havertown | PA | 19083 |
Delaware County Baptist Church | 610-449-5595 | NW Burmont | Havertown | PA | 19083 |
Ebeneezer United Methodist Churc | 610-446-3351 | Steel | Havertown | PA | 19083 |
Jehovah's Witnesses Kingdom Hall | 610-449-3137 | 1501 Lawrence Rd | Havertown | PA | 19083 |
Llanerch Presbyterian Preschool | 610-789-1639 | Park & Lansdowne Rds | Havertown | PA | 19083 |
Manoa Baptist Church | 610-789-1675 | 45 Glendale Rd | Havertown | PA | 19083 |
Philadelphia Korean Baptist Church | 610-789-3077 | 116 N Ormond Ave | Havertown | PA | 19083 |
Sisters of Mercy | 610-449-4065 | 421 Brookline Blvd | Havertown | PA | 19083 |
St Andrew's United Methodist Churc | 610-446-6252 | 17 Llandillo Rd | Havertown | PA | 19083 |
St Matthew's Church | 610-449-6267 | W Chester Pike | Havertown | PA | 19083 |
Temple Lutheran Church | 610-446-3270 | 501 Brookline Blvd | Havertown | PA | 19083 |
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