Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Lansdowne, PA 19050
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Lansdowne PA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Bethel A M E Church of Lansdowne & Yea | 610-259-4024 | Bartram | Lansdowne | PA | 19050 |
Chapel of Good Shepherd | 610-626-2815 | 654 Church Ln | Lansdowne | PA | 19050 |
Church of Christ East Delco | 610-626-8692 | 7 Beverly Ave | Lansdowne | PA | 19050 |
Friends Meeting Lansdowne Quake | 610-623-7098 | 120 N Lansdowne Ave | Lansdowne | PA | 19050 |
Immanuel Lutheran Church | 610-259-4113 | 65 Penn Blvd | Lansdowne | PA | 19050 |
Lansdowne Baptist Church | 610-626-0637 | Lansdowne | Lansdowne | PA | 19050 |
Lansdowne First Presbyterian Ch | 610-622-0800 | 140 N Lansdowne Ave | Lansdowne | PA | 19050 |
Mt Sinai Baptist Church | 610-622-3427 | 123 Bartram Ave | Lansdowne | PA | 19050 |
New Life in Christ Fellowship Bapt | 610-626-9401 | 75 N Highland Ave | Lansdowne | PA | 19050 |
New Life Temple | 610-284-9070 | 39 Owen Ave | Lansdowne | PA | 19050 |
New Life Worship Center | 610-623-2820 | 114 E Baltimore Ave | Lansdowne | PA | 19050 |
Sisters of Mercy | 610-623-2089 | Emmanuel House | Lansdowne | PA | 19050 |
Spirit & Truth Worship Center | 610-622-7330 | 1000 Church Ln | Lansdowne | PA | 19050 |
St Cyril's Church | 610-623-5160 | 153 Penn Blvd | Lansdowne | PA | 19050 |
St John the Evangelist Church Episcopa | 610-623-3731 | 19 W Baltimore Ave | Lansdowne | PA | 19050 |
St Michaels Church | 610-259-7871 | Longacre | Lansdowne | PA | 19050 |
St Paul Lutheran Church | 610-622-6161 | 50 E Plumstead Ave | Lansdowne | PA | 19050 |
Trinity Lansdowne United Methodis | 610-623-1644 | 82 N Lansdowne Ave | Lansdowne | PA | 19050 |
Women of War Ministries | 610-622-1300 | 22 S Highland Ave | Lansdowne | PA | 19050 |
Yeadon Presbyterian Church | 610-623-4499 | Holly | Lansdowne | PA | 19050 |
Yerkes Wedding Salon | 610-259-6644 | 417 E Baltimore Ave | Lansdowne | PA | 19050 |
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