Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Newtown Square, PA 19073
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Newtown Square PA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
First Baptist Church of Newtown Twp | 610-356-1082 | 3722 W Chester Pike | Newtown Square | PA | 19073 |
Knights of Columbus Mater Dei Counc | 610-356-5060 | 327 N Newtown Street Rd | Newtown Square | PA | 19073 |
Latvian Ev Lutheran Church | 610-353-2227 | 301 N Newtown Street Rd | Newtown Square | PA | 19073 |
Messiah Lutheran Church | 610-356-2564 | 100 Media Line Rd # 1 | Newtown Square | PA | 19073 |
Newtown Square Friends Meeting | 610-356-4778 | 114 N Newtown Street Rd | Newtown Square | PA | 19073 |
Springton Lake Presbyterian Ch | 610-356-4550 | 3090 S Newtown Street Rd | Newtown Square | PA | 19073 |
Spruce St Baptist Church | 610-353-1525 | Newtown Street Rd | Newtown Square | PA | 19073 |
St Hermans of Alaska Orthodox Church | 610-459-5310 | 1855 N Middletown Rd | Newtown Square | PA | 19073 |
St Sharbel Church | 610-353-5952 | 3679 Providence Rd | Newtown Square | PA | 19073 |
Willistown Friends Meeting | 610-356-9799 | 7069 Goshen Rd | Newtown Square | PA | 19073 |
Willistown United Methodist Parso | 610-644-6209 | 8 Hillcrest Dr | Newtown Square | PA | 19073 |
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