Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Erie, PA 16502
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Erie PA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Antioch Baptist Church | 814-455-0025 | 160 W 20th St | Erie | PA | 16502 |
Assembly of Christian Churches | 814-451-0068 | 352 W 18th St | Erie | PA | 16502 |
Cascade United Methodist Churc | 814-452-3364 | 1001 W 21st St | Erie | PA | 16502 |
Church of Jesus Christ in God | 814-452-3098 | 1706 Poplar St | Erie | PA | 16502 |
First Christian Church Disciples of Ch | 814-452-4207 | 823 Cherry St | Erie | PA | 16502 |
Friendship Baptist Church | 814-454-2700 | 1711 Plum St | Erie | PA | 16502 |
Holy Ground Community Church | 814-455-0102 | 1101 Cascade St | Erie | PA | 16502 |
Holy Trinity Lutheran Church | 814-452-3518 | 643 W 17th St | Erie | PA | 16502 |
Inter Church Ministries of Erie County | 814-454-2411 | 2216 Peach St | Erie | PA | 16502 |
Jesus Cares Full Gospel Fellowship | 814-825-4655 | 1612 Sassafras St | Erie | PA | 16502 |
Kingsley United Methodist Churc | 814-459-3205 | 913 Cranberry St | Erie | PA | 16502 |
Pax Christi USA | 814-453-4955 | 532 W 8th St | Erie | PA | 16502 |
Sacred Heart Church | 814-452-3502 | 803 W 25th St | Erie | PA | 16502 |
Sarah Hearn Memorial Presbyterian Ch | 814-452-3766 | 947 W 9th St | Erie | PA | 16502 |
Simpson United Methodist Churc | 814-452-2870 | 2113 Sassafras St | Erie | PA | 16502 |
Sisters of St Joseph Neighborhood NE | 814-454-6480 | 425 W 18th St | Erie | PA | 16502 |
St Matthew's Lutheran Church | 814-459-7543 | 950 W 7th St | Erie | PA | 16502 |
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