Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Erie, PA 16503
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Erie PA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Al Makarim Islamic Foundation | 814-455-5500 | 1635 Ash St | Erie | PA | 16503 |
Awareness Ministries | 814-454-4525 | 314 E 11th St | Erie | PA | 16503 |
Bethany Evangelical Lutheran Church | 814-456-6254 | 254 E 10th St | Erie | PA | 16503 |
Community Missionary Baptist | 814-459-7003 | 301 E 10th St | Erie | PA | 16503 |
Cornerstone Liberty Community Churc | 814-455-4654 | 2220 Wayne St | Erie | PA | 16503 |
Morning Star Baptist Church | 814-454-4309 | 327 E 23rd St | Erie | PA | 16503 |
San Juan United Methodist Churc | 814-455-6326 | 1430 Buffalo Rd | Erie | PA | 16503 |
St Anns Bingo | 814-453-2466 | 921 East Ave | Erie | PA | 16503 |
St James African Methodist Episc | 814-456-4011 | 236 E 11th St | Erie | PA | 16503 |
St Stephen's Lutheran Church | 814-456-0121 | 940 E 22nd St | Erie | PA | 16503 |
Tenth Street United Methodist Churc | 814-459-3131 | 538 E 10th St | Erie | PA | 16503 |
True Holiness Church of Jesus Christ | 814-455-4090 | 133 E 23rd St | Erie | PA | 16503 |
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