Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Restaurants in Erie, PA 16501
* Each listing below of Restaurants Information for Erie PA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Arby's Restaurant | 814-456-0603 | 101 W 12th St | Erie | PA | 16501 |
Avalon Hotel | 814-459-2220 | 16 W 10th St | Erie | PA | 16501 |
Cafe 38 | 814-452-0453 | 38 N Park Row | Erie | PA | 16501 |
Cathay Express | 814-456-6615 | 3 E 18th St | Erie | PA | 16501 |
Colt Station Restaurant | 814-725-0620 | 10082 Route 89 | Erie | PA | 16501 |
Dominick's 24 Hour Eatery | 814-456-6891 | 123 E 12th St | Erie | PA | 16501 |
Happy Garden | 814-452-4488 | 418 State St | Erie | PA | 16501 |
It's Greek To Me Cafe' & Bakery | 814-454-0172 | 1017 State St | Erie | PA | 16501 |
Jr's Last Laugh Comedy Club | 814-461-0911 | 1402 State St | Erie | PA | 16501 |
McDonald's Restaurants | 814-456-9906 | 1115 Sassafras St | Erie | PA | 16501 |
McDonald's Restaurants | 814-452-4406 | 430 State St | Erie | PA | 16501 |
Molly Brannigans Irish Pub & Restauran | 814-453-7800 | 506 State St | Erie | PA | 16501 |
Mr Sub | 814-456-2323 | 8 E 10th St | Erie | PA | 16501 |
Paper Moon Restaurant Gallery & Jazz | 814-455-7766 | 1325 State St | Erie | PA | 16501 |
Plymouth Tavern | 814-453-6454 | 1109 State St | Erie | PA | 16501 |
Porters Restaurant & Tap Room | 814-452-2787 | 123 W 14th St | Erie | PA | 16501 |
Quizno's Subs | 814-455-3025 | 420 State St | Erie | PA | 16501 |
Red Hot Downtown Dinor | 814-455-0826 | 109 W 10th St | Erie | PA | 16501 |
Subway Sandwiches | 814-456-7991 | 1018 State St | Erie | PA | 16501 |
Two Friends Italian Market | 814-461-9966 | 25 E 10th St | Erie | PA | 16501 |
Zone Dance Club The | 814-452-0125 | 133 W 18th St | Erie | PA | 16501 |
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