Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Brownsville, PA 15417
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Brownsville PA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Apostolic Gospel Church | 724-785-3044 | 70 Williams St | Brownsville | PA | 15417 |
Apostolic Gospel Church Parsonage | 724-785-4254 | 72 Williams St | Brownsville | PA | 15417 |
Bible Baptist Church | 724-785-9233 | Lewis & Reichard | Brownsville | PA | 15417 |
Calvin United Presbyterian Ch | 724-785-5745 | 307 Spring St | Brownsville | PA | 15417 |
Centerville United Methodist Churc | 724-632-6501 | 823 Old National Pike | Brownsville | PA | 15417 |
Christ Church Episcopal | 724-785-7958 | 305 Church St | Brownsville | PA | 15417 |
Denbeau Heights Christian Churc | 724-785-4811 | E End Rd | Brownsville | PA | 15417 |
First Christian Church | 724-785-2488 | 512 2nd St | Brownsville | PA | 15417 |
First United Methodist Church | 724-785-5370 | 215 Church St | Brownsville | PA | 15417 |
Fort Burd United Presbyterian Ch | 724-785-3080 | 200 Thornton Rd | Brownsville | PA | 15417 |
Harvest Time Ministries of Brownsville | 724-785-4424 | 213 6th Ave | Brownsville | PA | 15417 |
Holy Resurrection Orthodox Church | 724-785-2216 | 118 Main St | Brownsville | PA | 15417 |
Hopewell United Presbyterian Ch | 724-246-8010 | 400 Hopewell Rd | Brownsville | PA | 15417 |
Malden Christian Fellowship | 724-785-4280 | Old National Rd | Brownsville | PA | 15417 |
Mount Zion African Methodist Episc | 724-785-4335 | 214 Cadwallader St | Brownsville | PA | 15417 |
Mt Lebanon Baptist Church | 724-785-7333 | Baltimore St | Brownsville | PA | 15417 |
Saint Andrew's Lutheran Church | 724-785-3970 | 307 High St | Brownsville | PA | 15417 |
South Brownsville United Methodis | 724-785-8704 | 412 2nd St | Brownsville | PA | 15417 |
St Ellien's Orthodox Church | 724-785-9431 | 5 Saint & Spring St | Brownsville | PA | 15417 |
St Nicholas Byzantine Catholic Church | 724-785-5552 | 302 3rd Ave | Brownsville | PA | 15417 |
St Pauls United Methodist Churc | 724-785-9404 | 970 Main St | Brownsville | PA | 15417 |
St Peter's Rectory | 724-785-7781 | 118 Church St | Brownsville | PA | 15417 |
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