Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Uniontown, PA 15401
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Uniontown PA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Asbury United Methodist Church | 724-437-7525 | 20 Dunbar St | Uniontown | PA | 15401 |
Bible Baptist Church | 724-439-2519 | 1 Evergreen Ter | Uniontown | PA | 15401 |
Calvary United Methodist Churc | 724-437-6341 | 34 Clark St | Uniontown | PA | 15401 |
Central Christian Church | 724-434-1968 | Devotional Ln | Uniontown | PA | 15401 |
Central Christian Church | 724-438-6821 | 23 S Gallatin Ave | Uniontown | PA | 15401 |
Cherry Tree Alliance Church | 724-437-6850 | 640 Cherry Tree Ln | Uniontown | PA | 15401 |
Christ United Methodist Church | 724-438-9129 | 6 W Fayette St | Uniontown | PA | 15401 |
Christian & Missionary Alliance Church | 724-326-5552 | 321 Connellsville St | Uniontown | PA | 15401 |
Church of Christ | 724-439-4747 | 70 Roosevelt Dr | Uniontown | PA | 15401 |
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day S | 724-437-2484 | Old Pittsburgh Rd # & | Uniontown | PA | 15401 |
Connellsville St Church of Christ | 724-438-1112 | 519 Connellsville St | Uniontown | PA | 15401 |
Covenant Baptist Church | 724-430-8172 | 148 Union St | Uniontown | PA | 15401 |
Laurel Hill Presbyterian Ch | 724-439-6212 | Laurel Hill Rd | Uniontown | PA | 15401 |
Mount Olivet Baptist Church | 724-438-7489 | 57 Stewart Ave | Uniontown | PA | 15401 |
Mount Rose Baptist Church | 724-438-9775 | 9 S Grant St | Uniontown | PA | 15401 |
Mt St Macrina | 724-439-4940 | 500 W Main St | Uniontown | PA | 15401 |
Mt Zion Baptist Church | 724-439-1354 | Mount Macrina St | Uniontown | PA | 15401 |
Mt Zion Baptist Church | 724-439-2170 | 520 W Main St | Uniontown | PA | 15401 |
Saint Peters Lutheran Church | 724-439-4730 | 121 Walnut Hill Rd | Uniontown | PA | 15401 |
St Paul A M E Church | 724-437-1418 | 187 Morgantown St | Uniontown | PA | 15401 |
St Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church | 724-437-4301 | 71 N Gallatin Ave | Uniontown | PA | 15401 |
Third Presbyterian Church | 724-438-2529 | 425 Union St | Uniontown | PA | 15401 |
Trinity United Presbyterian Ch | 724-437-2709 | Morgantown & W Fayet | Uniontown | PA | 15401 |
Uniontown Larger Parish | 724-437-4740 | Edison Rd | Uniontown | PA | 15401 |
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