Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Dentists in Chambersburg, PA 17201
* Each listing below of Dentists Information for Chambersburg PA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. | Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Angello Anthony J Dds | 717-267-0800 | 912 Alandale Dr | Chambersburg | PA | 17201 |
Angeski Joseph P Dmd | 717-264-2011 | 225 Walker Rd | Chambersburg | PA | 17201 |
Beall John R Dds | 717-263-8111 | 301 Lortz Ave Ste 1 | Chambersburg | PA | 17201 |
Behan Richard L Dr | 717-264-7828 | 1102 Sheller Ave | Chambersburg | PA | 17201 |
Black William E Dds | 717-264-5800 | 182 E Washington St | Chambersburg | PA | 17201 |
Brian Johnston Dds | 717-263-2451 | 2363 Philadelphia Ave | Chambersburg | PA | 17201 |
Cerveris Michael D Dmd Pc | 717-263-0449 | 1854 Wayne Rd | Chambersburg | PA | 17201 |
Drake David E Dmd Ltd | 717-263-0442 | 759 Stouffer Ave | Chambersburg | PA | 17201 |
Ewing Allen N Dntst | 717-264-7012 | 14 N Main St Ste 224 | Chambersburg | PA | 17201 |
Good Thomas N Dds | 717-263-8288 | 1962 Scotland Ave | Chambersburg | PA | 17201 |
Himelfarb Roy A Dds Inc | 717-263-0606 | 182 S 2nd St | Chambersburg | PA | 17201 |
Keller Jayne Dental Office | 717-267-2059 | 475 Phoenix Dr | Chambersburg | PA | 17201 |
Kingsley David H Dds | 717-267-1288 | 4202 Philadelphia Ave | Chambersburg | PA | 17201 |
McHenry Donnel Dds | 717-263-3316 | 858 Lincoln Way E | Chambersburg | PA | 17201 |
Miller Family Dentistry Llc | 717-267-3922 | 435 Limekiln Dr | Chambersburg | PA | 17201 |
Parrett Steven M Fagd | 717-263-3123 | 543 Lincoln Way E | Chambersburg | PA | 17201 |
Scarlata Paul A Dmd Pc | 717-263-9275 | 421 Phoenix Dr | Chambersburg | PA | 17201 |
Shellenberger E Ronald Dds | 717-263-6060 | 67 Brumbaugh Ave | Chambersburg | PA | 17201 |
Toothman Ronald G Dmd | 717-263-5916 | 974 Lincoln Way W | Chambersburg | PA | 17201 |
Witmer L F Dntst | 717-264-2814 | 315 Stouffer Ave | Chambersburg | PA | 17201 |
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