Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Columbia, PA 17512
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Columbia PA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Banner of Love Ministries | 717-684-4770 | 30 N 4th St | Columbia | PA | 17512 |
Buddhist Association of Pa | 717-684-4301 | 202 Cherry St | Columbia | PA | 17512 |
Columbia Bible Church | 717-684-2380 | 550 Linden St | Columbia | PA | 17512 |
Columbia Bible Church | 717-684-5652 | 448 N 6th St | Columbia | PA | 17512 |
Columbia Christian Fellowship | 717-684-2303 | 116 N 3rd St | Columbia | PA | 17512 |
Columbia United Methodist Churc | 717-684-2356 | 510 Walnut St | Columbia | PA | 17512 |
Concordia Evangelical Lutheran Church | 717-285-4626 | 3825 Concordia Rd | Columbia | PA | 17512 |
In the Light Ministries | 717-681-0002 | 423 Locust St | Columbia | PA | 17512 |
Ironville United Methodist Churc | 717-684-8072 | 4020 Holly Dr | Columbia | PA | 17512 |
Mount Zion Ame Church | 717-684-7472 | 222 S 5th St | Columbia | PA | 17512 |
Newtown United Methodist Churc | 717-653-6327 | 1910 Iron Bridge Rd | Columbia | PA | 17512 |
Oswego Drive Community Baptist Church | 717-684-3139 | 2000 Oswego Dr | Columbia | PA | 17512 |
Presbyterian Church | 717-684-6271 | 360 Locust St | Columbia | PA | 17512 |
Salem United Church of Christ | 717-684-6498 | 324 Walnut St | Columbia | PA | 17512 |
Silver Spring Baptist Church | 717-285-3788 | 4001 Marietta Ave | Columbia | PA | 17512 |
St James Evangelical Lutheran Church | 717-684-5135 | 655 S 10th St | Columbia | PA | 17512 |
St Paul's Baptist Church | 717-684-8452 | 297 S 5th St | Columbia | PA | 17512 |
St Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church | 717-684-9520 | 555 Locust St | Columbia | PA | 17512 |
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