Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Restaurants in Columbia, PA 17512
* Each listing below of Restaurants Information for Columbia PA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
A & L Doors and Specialities Nc | 717-684-2818 | 336 Poplar St | Columbia | PA | 17512 |
Bully's Restaurant Pub | 717-684-2854 | 647 Union St | Columbia | PA | 17512 |
Burger King | 717-684-0931 | 531 N 3rd St | Columbia | PA | 17512 |
Chucky B's Pub | 717-684-5654 | 1506 Lancaster Ave | Columbia | PA | 17512 |
Columbia Family Restaurant | 717-684-7503 | 960 Lancaster Ave | Columbia | PA | 17512 |
Creekside Cafe Inc | 717-653-9655 | 1519 Habecker Rd | Columbia | PA | 17512 |
Dietz's Cafe | 717-684-6131 | 401 Linden St | Columbia | PA | 17512 |
Keri's Prospect Diner | 717-684-7141 | 4030 Minute Dr | Columbia | PA | 17512 |
Loreto's Ristorante | 717-684-4326 | 173 S 4th St | Columbia | PA | 17512 |
McDonald's | 717-684-7048 | 1788 Columbia Ave | Columbia | PA | 17512 |
Mr Joe's Steak House & Restaurant | 717-684-5738 | 200 S 4th St | Columbia | PA | 17512 |
New Yang's Garden | 717-684-4375 | 56 S 18th St | Columbia | PA | 17512 |
Prudhommes' Lost Cajun Kitchen | 717-684-1706 | 50 Lancaster Ave | Columbia | PA | 17512 |
Subway Sandwiches and Salads | 717-285-7959 | 3975B Columbia Ave | Columbia | PA | 17512 |
The Olde Spring House Restaurant & Sp | 717-285-7669 | 3707 Marietta Ave | Columbia | PA | 17512 |
Wendy's Old Fashioned Hamburgers | 717-285-9607 | 3995 Columbia Ave | Columbia | PA | 17512 |
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