Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Homes in Allentown, PA 18104
* Each listing below of Homes Information for Allentown PA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Better Homes & Gardens Realtors Patt W | 610-398-4901 | 4203 W Tilghman St | Allentown | PA | 18104 |
Bonded Realty Assocs | 610-435-9600 | 127 N 17th St | Allentown | PA | 18104 |
Century 21 Keim Realtors | 610-395-0393 | 90 N Cedar Crest Blvd | Allentown | PA | 18104 |
Century 21 Locher Realtors | 610-434-3223 | 2814 Walbert Ave | Allentown | PA | 18104 |
Coldwell Banker Commercial Heri | 610-398-8848 | 4140 W Tilghman St | Allentown | PA | 18104 |
Coldwell Banker Heritage Real E | 610-398-3112 | 4095 W Tilghman St | Allentown | PA | 18104 |
Coleman Cathy Real Estate | 610-770-9000 | 3021 College Heights Blvd | Allentown | PA | 18104 |
Geiger Raymond C Rl Est | 610-395-2220 | 5050 W Tilghman St | Allentown | PA | 18104 |
Knafo Maurice Rl Est | 610-799-2241 | 2012 Mauch Chunk Rd | Allentown | PA | 18104 |
Pennsylvania Real Estate Investme | 610-336-5890 | 1516 N Cedar Crest Blvd | Allentown | PA | 18104 |
Weichert Realtors | 610-395-4500 | 4124 W Tilghman St | Allentown | PA | 18104 |
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