Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Restaurants in Allentown, PA 18103
* Each listing below of Restaurants Information for Allentown PA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Ages Ambulatory Geriatric Evalu | 610-402-9890 | 1200 S Cedar Crest Blvd | Allentown | PA | 18103 |
Amigo Mio Cafe | 610-776-2026 | 545 Cleveland St | Allentown | PA | 18103 |
Bennigan's Grill & Tavern | 610-791-7900 | 2835 Lehigh St | Allentown | PA | 18103 |
Bob Evans Restaurant | 610-798-9395 | 2805 Lehigh St | Allentown | PA | 18103 |
Brass Rail Restaurant The | 610-797-1927 | 3015 Lehigh St | Allentown | PA | 18103 |
Broadway Cafe | 610-954-9080 | 1798 Brodwy | Allentown | PA | 18103 |
Bruno's Dinette | 610-776-6670 | 556 Auburn St | Allentown | PA | 18103 |
Burger King Restaurant | 610-432-2614 | 3105 Hamilton Blvd | Allentown | PA | 18103 |
Burger King Restaurant | 610-967-4333 | 3301 Lehigh St | Allentown | PA | 18103 |
Carrabba's Italian Grill | 610-439-6100 | 510 S Cedar Crest Blvd | Allentown | PA | 18103 |
Charcoal Drive in | 610-395-2451 | 4440 Hamilton Blvd | Allentown | PA | 18103 |
Friendly Restaurants | 610-797-7050 | 2952 Lehigh St | Allentown | PA | 18103 |
Friendly Restaurants | 610-820-8655 | 460 S Cedar Crest Blvd | Allentown | PA | 18103 |
Hamburger Stand | 610-797-9599 | 1739 S 4th St | Allentown | PA | 18103 |
International House of Pancakes | 610-797-6113 | 1511 Lehigh St | Allentown | PA | 18103 |
Jungle Fun | 610-770-0331 | 3313 Hamilton Blvd | Allentown | PA | 18103 |
Mangos Coastal Cuisine | 610-432-4420 | 3750 Hamilton Blvd | Allentown | PA | 18103 |
McDonald's Family Restaurant | 610-797-3010 | 1432 S 4th St | Allentown | PA | 18103 |
McDonalds | 610-791-2295 | 3020 Lehigh St | Allentown | PA | 18103 |
Oliver Shakewell's | 610-797-1924 | 1869 S 4th St | Allentown | PA | 18103 |
Pantry Family Restaurant | 610-798-7005 | 1701 E Susquehanna St | Allentown | PA | 18103 |
Queen City Diner Restaurant | 610-791-0240 | 1801 Lehigh St | Allentown | PA | 18103 |
Skybox | 610-791-4220 | 1547 Lehigh St | Allentown | PA | 18103 |
Subway | 610-798-9750 | 1611 Lehigh St | Allentown | PA | 18103 |
Subway Sandwiches & Salads | 610-798-7878 | 1208 S 4th St | Allentown | PA | 18103 |
Sunrise Diner | 610-797-2233 | 1401 S 4th St | Allentown | PA | 18103 |
Taco Bell | 610-966-5144 | 3380 Lehigh St | Allentown | PA | 18103 |
Teapot Family Restaurant The | 610-797-8400 | 1756 S 4th St | Allentown | PA | 18103 |
Teppan Hibachi Steak House | 610-841-4799 | 3227 Hamilton Blvd | Allentown | PA | 18103 |
Tgi Friday's | 610-776-8188 | 395 S Cedar Crest Blvd | Allentown | PA | 18103 |
Willy-Joe's Steak Shop | 610-797-7009 | 2407 Lehigh St | Allentown | PA | 18103 |
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