Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Beauty Salons in Pittston, PA 18640
* Each listing below of Beauty Salons Information for Pittston PA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Bella Mia Hair Salon | 570-654-5774 | 37 N Main St | Pittston | PA | 18640 |
Bellanco Mary Ann Beauty Salon | 570-654-0998 | 49 Broad St Ste 5 | Pittston | PA | 18640 |
Berti Shirley Creative Hair Designs | 570-655-8639 | 19 Main St | Pittston | PA | 18640 |
Grace Sklanka's Hair Styling | 570-654-1913 | 45 Parnell St | Pittston | PA | 18640 |
Gubino's Kathleen Beauty Salon | 570-654-1648 | 23 Carroll St | Pittston | PA | 18640 |
Hair Station | 570-655-4247 | 297 Parsonage St | Pittston | PA | 18640 |
Marie Forlenza's Cutting Corner | 570-655-3050 | 224 William St | Pittston | PA | 18640 |
Passion for Hair | 570-654-2523 | 190 S Main St | Pittston | PA | 18640 |
Philadelphia Hair Design | 570-655-6683 | 43 S Main St | Pittston | PA | 18640 |
Sapphire Salon & Destination Spa | 570-602-7700 | 247 S Main St | Pittston | PA | 18640 |
Serenity at Littzi | 570-655-6695 | 200 N Main St | Pittston | PA | 18640 |
Two Guys Hair Design Kulick N Armita | 570-655-6113 | 434 N Main St | Pittston | PA | 18640 |
Virginia Despirito Hair Fashions | 570-654-6737 | 77 S Main St | Pittston | PA | 18640 |
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