Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Hazleton, PA 18201
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Hazleton PA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
All God's Children Preschool | 570-459-6423 | 6 Vine Sts | Hazleton | PA | 18201 |
Apostolic Faith Church | 570-459-0454 | 1 W Broad St | Hazleton | PA | 18201 |
Christ Lutheran Church | 570-454-3542 | 210 W Green St | Hazleton | PA | 18201 |
Diamond United Methodist Churc | 570-454-0992 | 519 N Locust St | Hazleton | PA | 18201 |
Emmanuels United Church of Christ | 570-454-3192 | Church Diamond Avenu | Hazleton | PA | 18201 |
First Presbyterian Church | 570-455-1041 | 201 W Broad St | Hazleton | PA | 18201 |
Full Gospel Bible Institute | 570-455-7710 | 31 N Church St | Hazleton | PA | 18201 |
Grace Baptist Church | 570-455-7461 | Samuels Avenue & E S | Hazleton | PA | 18201 |
Grace Fellowship Church | 570-455-7994 | Pecora Blvd | Hazleton | PA | 18201 |
Hazleton Area Reformed Presbyterian Ch | 570-450-0148 | 680 Roosevelt St | Hazleton | PA | 18201 |
Hazleton Enlarged Ministry | 570-454-4661 | 517 N Locust St | Hazleton | PA | 18201 |
Holy Rosary Church Rectory | 570-454-6693 | 240 S Poplar St | Hazleton | PA | 18201 |
Living Savior Church | 570-459-5968 | 34 E Broad St | Hazleton | PA | 18201 |
Lutheran Brotherhood Office | 570-454-4675 | 120 N Church St | Hazleton | PA | 18201 |
Romainian Ordthodox Church Palm Sun | 570-454-7224 | 314 W Broad St | Hazleton | PA | 18201 |
Ss Peter & Paul Lutheran Church | 570-454-5271 | 8 Alter Sts | Hazleton | PA | 18201 |
St John the Baptist Polish | 570-454-6103 | 748 N Church St | Hazleton | PA | 18201 |
St John's Byzantine Catholic Church | 570-454-1142 | 5 E 20th St | Hazleton | PA | 18201 |
St John's P M Church | 570-454-8392 | 79 S Poplar St | Hazleton | PA | 18201 |
St John's Pncc Social Hall | 570-459-0135 | 12 Church St | Hazleton | PA | 18201 |
St Michael's Ukrainian Catholic Church | 570-455-0643 | 72 N Laurel St | Hazleton | PA | 18201 |
St Michael's Ukrainian Catholic Church | 570-455-5554 | 74 N Laurel St | Hazleton | PA | 18201 |
St Peter's Episcopal Church | 570-454-6543 | 46 S Laurel St | Hazleton | PA | 18201 |
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